Saturday, May 16, 2009

I can't choose.

I didn't know whether to title this blog...Call it a smoothie and they'll drink anything!

Fear style.


Got Kale?

I sorta got on this health kick. I say sorta cuz it only lasted one day. A friend of mine was telling me about this great drink that she makes everyday, how good it is for you, how she lost all this weight from it, her nails are stronger, her body leaner, her bodily functions moving along nicer, and I'm thinking, sounds great! I could do that! What's in this magic drink?
Kale, cranberry juice, and fruit.
(a little hesitant now) OK, sounds healthy. I like fruit and juice. Don't know what kale is but can't be too bad right? wrong. I go to the store with my list and my determination in tact. At the produce section I stock up on fresh strawberries, bananas, apples, then I come to the leafy stuff. Chard, spinach, green leaf, red leaf, and kale. (it rhymes with hell, go figure) And as much as I like the fresh, crisp, colors of the others in the leaf family, Kale just didn't do anything for me. It's ugly. It's dense. It's water content non-existent. But I didn't want to be judgemental on the poor vegetable, afterall it's my secret ingredient to a bathing suit bod. So I bought a headfull, and feeling so good about my new-found healthiness, I bought spinach too. Then came home, put a few leaves in the blender, added some pretty juice, bright red berries, and within a matter of seconds, "Grass in a Glass" was born.
Do you like the smell of fresh cut grass in the spring? So do I! Do you like the taste of fresh cut grass? Neither do I! But that's how this drink tasted, like the smell of fresh cut grass. Some smells are better left un-tasted. It wasn't so much the flavor as it was the bits of crunchy-ness in the foam. If I have to chew my drink, it just gives me too much time to think about what's in it. So I tried to gulp it instead, bad mistake. It almost came back up. Sipping through a straw was the best method I found, like wading into a cold lake, one inch at a time. One sip at a time, and 45 minutes later, I finished my first Kale Slushy. But was it my last? I'm not sure I have what it takes to become a health-nut, then I remembered something I read in a e-mail once and it solitified what I thought all along:

I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes.

Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in the hospital, dying of nothing...

So I think I'll stick to the greens that lay on my plate, preferably the ones heaped over pork barbacoa, black beans (those are healthy) rice, a cheesy tortilla, drowning in a river of house dressing. Afterall...

I didn't really want to wear my bathing suit this summer anyway.


Lauren said...

hahahaha! oh...oh dear that was pretty dang funny. you are such a talented writer! that made my day.

Faund Images said...

Linda... you are too funny! I want to try some of that drink next time I come to your house, ok? I want to experience tasting that smell just once before I die! You make my entire family's day!~ I read it aloud... we all love you!