Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Organized Chaos

So I like to watch Oprah while I'm on the treadmill cuz it helps me exercise longer, AND I don't feel so guilty taking an hour to watch TV, it's a win-win situation. Today her show was, 'Oprah's Clean up your messy house tour' which has really inspired me, and help light the flame the kinda sizzled out since I last tried to clean my storage area. Actually, the storage area looks much better, do you have to ask where all the stuff went? I don't think I cleaned it as much as I shifted it from room to the other. So here are pictures of my craft/sewing/scrapbook room, and pretty much my "don't know where to put it, i'll find a home for it later, for now put it in my craft room". Anyway, my personal organizer Peter (the clean-up guy with the nice english accent on Oprah) will be e-mailing me everyday my daily to-do chore that should take no longer than 10 minutes, and at the end of 6 months, EVERY room in my house should be clutter free! How cool is that! The only thing that would be better is if their cleaning crew stopped at my house and did it for me. Oprah, if your looking, come on by, my door is always open (that's because I have to much stuff in front of it and it won't close)!


Susan said...

Sure didn't take you long to take over Chelsea's room! The problem with taking 6 months to clean every room in your house is that by the end of 6 months, the rooms you started with will be cluttered again! At least I know mine would be! Good luck!

Charayne said...

Wow, I need that, but I bet it would be more like an hour a day for 2 years. You are really organized and together though. Good luck. Post pics of the progress.

Faund Images said...
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linda said...

woops, did I delete someone's comment? Didn't mean too, so sorry if it was you!