Sunday, December 28, 2008


I think I caught a bug this weekend. Not the cold bug that my husband got on Christmas eve, or the love-bug that my daughter seems to have caught recently. No, the bug I caught usually only comes around once a year, and always the same time too, it's the BLAH-HUM-BUG! I try to avoid it each year by eating healthy. I eat from all 4 food groups, by that I mean chocolate, carmels, nuts and toffee. I try to stay in shape by running around from store to store, I do aerobic wrapping and hiding before the kids get home. I try to supplement my 6 hours of sleep each night by sleeping in church, while waiting in long lines or while stuck in traffic. Symptoms are usually extreme fatigue, followed by crash and burn, extra hours in the day you don't know what to do with, followed with boredom and laziness. It usually comes after I've experienced a wonderful Christmas, a jam-packed December filled with work and church parties, choir performances by my daughter, school programs for my son, get togethers with family. Baking, candy-making, quilt making, gift making, and not enough time-taking! Seriously though, Christmas was great this year. I'm just grateful the snow storm held out long enough for us to travel to Bountiful for our traditional Christmas-eve party at Mom and Dad's. It snowed us in Christmas day, so our dinner party was small this year, just us and lot's of left-overs. What takes a full month to prepare for, within a few hours it's all over. Just empty boxes and torn wrapping paper left under the tree. The games have all been played, the movies have all been watched, the toys assembled and broken. The work day awaits, the laundry piles up, the storage room still needs organizing, and the family still needs to be fed dinner, everyday, for the rest of my life. Is it any wonder I love December so much? It's a light at the end of a dull-drum tunnel. It breaks the monotomy of everyday life. For one month we think less of ourselves and more of others. We create, we inspire, we share, we give, we dream, we hope. And if were lucky, we make it through the season without catching the BLAH-HUM-BUG...

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