Monday, January 26, 2009

The difference between little boys...and their moms

So Trey got his wish this Christmas, a Lego Star Wars thingie...and I was so proud of him for being able to put it together! How a little boy can start with 1000 little pieces scattered all over his bedroom floor, and end up with a spaceship just amazes me. So I started thinking...
  • Why is it he can't pick up his clothes or his toys scattered all over his room cuz it's too hard, yet he can pick up 1000 tiny little pieces of legos and put them together just right to create something amazing?
  • Why can't he read 10 pages from a book cuz it's too boring, yet he can read a 20 page instruction book to put together his lego star wars?
  • Why can't he remember his homework or to tell me when he's out of lunch money, yet he can remember the names of every Jazz and BYU football player, and their positions?
  • Why can't he walk home from school cuz it's too cold, yet go back outside with no coat on to build a snowfort with his friends?
  • Why is it when he's watching cartoons after school that he has no homework, yet when it's time to get his pj's on and brush his teeth suddenly he has homework to do?
Oh, the mysteries of little men. The only thing I have figured out about them is how different they are from women, or are they?

  • Why is it I can't remember till the 30th of each month to go visiting teaching, yet I can remember the day of the big clearance sales at Kohl's or Bath & BodyWorks?
  • Why is it I can't get through 10 pages of scriptures without nodding off, yet I can stay up till 2 am reading the latest installment of Edward and Bella, and be wide AWAKE?
  • Why is it that I can spend $120 at the grocery store, and yet come home and wonder why there's nothing good to make for dinner?
  • Why is it I can't find time to get in 30 minutes of exercise, yet I found the time to blog about why I don't have time to exercise.
So, I've come to discover that little boys and mom's aren't so different after all. We both seem to remember and find time for the things we love to do, put off the things we don't like to do, and hopefully learn to enjoy the things we have to do. I guess the biggest difference between little boys and their moms will always be...Mom's really do hate Lego's!


Susan said...

oh, so very true!

Jenna said...

very very true! I have managed to get by without them using the excuse of no small peices around the little girls, well the girls arent so little anymore, so hunter got legos for christmas too, and i Hate them.... Trey and hunter are alot alike, Hunter Loves starwars, we need to get them together, lets just stop saying it and do it... Once again linda, very well written post, your talented! :)

chelsea eddington said...

sisters hate legos too you know.

Charayne said...

Too true. I love that you are so real about everything!!!! Oh, and as for the grocery store....why is that?? Hmmmmm....