Tuesday, February 10, 2009

And the Oscar goes to...

Kayla! For best supporting cast extra in a Disney Production, "High School Musical III"...well, I'm sure if they did give Oscars for that division, she would have won. As it is, she is holding a real Oscar. Kim Peek, the original 'Rainman' came and spoke to her Psychology Club at school. When Dustin Hoffman won the oscar for his role as Rainman, he gave his oscar to Kim, and Kim gave it to Kayla...to hold.

The Oscar for Best Actress and Supporting Actress in a comedy is...Chelsea...and Sam...for their portrayal as black break dancers, who moonlights as a river dancers. So, the other night, Chelsea and good friend Sam,
painted themselves black, went up to Jordan Landing, equipped with boom box and cardboard, and took their position on the center stage on the boardwalk. It wasn't long before a group gathered around to see what was going to take place, then with the confidence that only a disguise can give, they broke out in dance. Breakdance, Riverdance, Modern Dance, and threw in a few tumbling maneuvers for special effect. They thought they were pretty cool. The crowd, however, thought they were a little strange. They got some weird looks, a few coins, and some laughs. Good thing they didn't charge admittance, the outcome could have turned out alot worse. As for Chelsea, I guess I'll have to hold out hope that once she has kids she'll start acting like an adult.

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The Oscar for Best Actor in a Drama is...Kayla! For her portrayal as the joker at a girls camp skit. I wasn't bothered by her acting, (although I thought her tongue flicking was a little odd) until I actually saw the movie, then I was a little disturbed at how well she portrayed the evil joker. What happened to my sweet little girl.

The Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama/Comedy is...ME! For years of "Oh, that's the prettiest picture! Is that a picture of me? Oh, it's an elephant? Well, it's really good!" For years of "Don't cry honey...nobody saw you fall off stage. I'm sure they were too busy looking at their own children to notice your tumble". For years of acting like your Mothers Day Breakfast in bed of burnt toast and runny eggs is the best thing you've ever tasted. For years of hanging the gold spray painted macaroni christmas wreath on the mantle because it's the best decoration I have.

As for my acceptance speech, let me just say: "Thank you for this great honor! I feel so blessed to have won the role of Best Supporting Actress! I couldn't have done it without my wonderful cast and crew, my children and husband, who give me practice everyday, to laugh, and to cry. I cherish the moments and memories that have brought me this far and hope to win this award for several more years to come! You love me...you REALLY love me!" I love you guys too!


Susan said...

I wish I could have seen your talented girls in action! Who knows, maybe someday one of them will get a real Oscar and mention you in their acceptance speech

Faund Images said...

YOU DO DESERVE an Oscar or some kind of recognition! I love reading your blog... you are simply too cute!