Saturday, August 1, 2009

Too early for here I am.

Yeah, I got a little sun, not complaining though, I love sunshine on my shoulders, it makes me happy!
The family, and by family I mean ALL of us, spent a few days at heaven on earth, Lyman UT...a place where the blue skies meet with the red rocks, where green pastures quilt the landscape and charming homes with wrap around porches welcome all to stay and sit a spell. Too many passer-bys, Lyman is just a sleepy little town they have to slow down to pass through on their way to Capitol Reef, but to me, it's always been my second home.
Let me introduce you to country livin', Wayne County style.

First on the stop is Fish Lake, nestled behind the hills of sage brush and scrub oak is a beautiful, God made lake surrounded by tall pines and quakies. Under the surface you'll find tiger muskies and trout for the big guys, and enough perch for the little ones to catch over and over again, bringing smiles to all the fishermen who cast their lines of luck into the deep blue waters.
Some traditions are hard to break and going to Big Rocks is no exception. Climbing the rocks as an adult, I've discovered, is just as fun as when we were kids. After the traditional wienie roast and smores, we're off to climb, jump and hide in the big lava rocks. Some taking advantage of their now grown-up long legs to jump over crevaces that once brought panic and fear into the heart of every mother...only to test the heart rates of their wives. I have a confession to make:
I've never been to Zions National Park, with Capitol Reef in my cousins backyard, I never felt the need. This place is Beautiful, with a capitol B.There's rocks for climbing, rocks to sit in, and mostly, rocks that just need to be admired and be in awe of. Rocks indians used to permanently text their messages into, and where pioneers inscribed their names, long before grafitti became a bad thing.

There were rivers to divert, deer to pet, canyons to explore. A magical place where the ghosts of Butch Cassidy and cowboys and indians came alive in the minds of imaginative little boys.

After a hot day on the trail, a nice cool dip in the Bicknell pool was the perfect end of a perfect day!

Then it was back in the truck and the long drive home. Farewell Lyman, till next summer...

P.S...sorry I mentioned Rudolph, you were all excited this was going to be a post about Christmas in July huh? Don't worry, it will be here before we know it.


Faund Images said...

What a lovely tribute to good ole' Wayne County! Next time though... I want you all to myself... cuz I'm selfish like that!

Anonymous said...

I loved seeing the pictures. You are so creative in describing our wonderful trip. I'm so glad you had fun. I loved it too.

Susan said...

I'm just wondering if you had your christmas music playing while you posted?

Charayne said...

ok, so seriously I thought you were going to give me some get ready for Christmas tips. Loved the post though. Felt like I was there....wish I was. :) Glad you had fun.