Saturday, March 21, 2009

I know just how she feels...

Before we go on, you must click on the photo to enlarge it enough to read it (i wish i had a scanner). This made me laugh, and I know how she feels! I must be secs deprived, cuz there doesn't seem to be enough secs in my day! I'm always looking for more secs... with all there is to get done in a day, a little more secs would sure make life a lot better. But the busier I am, the less secs I seem to have. And when I find I have too much extra secs, I find myself just laying around, kinda bored with all of it. So I've tried to learn to find a balance, always wishing I had more secs but enjoying the secs in the day that I do have, because you never know when your secs could come to a screeching halt. And once in heaven (or hell, after this blog) I don't want to look back upon my life and wish I didn't waste all my precious secs!


Susan said...

Not just funny, freaking hilarious! It made me cry laughing so hard then all my friends at work wanted to know what I was reading and laughing at. Thanks for the uplift at 4:30 am! You are too funny!

Anonymous said...

oh my heck mother!!! you are too odd at times!!! wow!!!

Faund Images said...

You know... it's moments like this that I really know why we were meant to be sisters. Seriously, I need your funny in my life!