Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010...A Space Odessy?

Well, it's 2010. Did we ever think we'd see the day? Wasn't the millenium supposed to be here by now? Or time travel, or something...magnificent! It looks the same as 2009.
When I was little, my favorite cartoon was the Jetsons. I'm not sure what year they were in, but I'm pretty sure by now we were supposed to be traveling by flying cars, or transporters, or something to beam us up and around with. And shouldn't I have a robot maid by now, doing all the cooking and cleaning? I must be stuck in the 20th century. Call me old fashioned, but my car still runs off gasoline, I still have a phone that has a cord attatched to it and doesn't sing to me when someone is calling.
I fight off wrinkles with something that comes out of tube and not out of a needle. My fingernails are my own, and so is my bra size.
I still buy stamps, write checks and balance my checkbook from a register.
I use my phone to talk to people, not to type to them, email them, or take pictures of them. I do have a computer, complete with my "Doss for Dummies" manual, which I never did read. I still have movies on VHS, songs on cassettes and vinyl records, and a video camera as big as a size 12 shoebox.
My dayplanner is not electronic, and neither are my scriptures. I workout on a treadmill with weights in hand, not a balance board with a numbchuck in hand.
I still get my directions from a map and streetsigns, and if someone is telling me to turn right at the next intersection, it's coming from the backseat, not the dashboard.
I have a pair of thongs (that I wear on my feet) and a friend from High School named Gayla, Gay for short, and no, we didn't make fun of her name. Back then it still meant 'happy'.
Call me old fashioned, but I still think the best 3 words one can hear are "I love you" and not "You've got mail".

Really, I'm not opposed to the future and the technology it brings. Afterall, can you imagine life without a microwave? I don't know how my mom survived all those years without one...I guess the same way we survived growing up without cell phones.

Life is good. I'm excited for the new opportunites this year will bring. A new position at work, a new grandbaby in our home, a new storage room! (still thanking the hubby for that one).

Now, I wonder where I can get one of those robot maids.


Susan said...

Remember when mom got her first microwave and the first thing we made in it was Divinity? Wow, we were living the good life! And whatever, I still have thongs too.
I am so excited for the things this year will bring for you, especially my great niece or nephew!
More seriously, I love your comment about the best 3 words, you couldn't have said it better.
I love you! oh and P.S. you've got mail!

Charayne said...

So funny. It's amazing what can happen in a years time. Congrats on getting to be a grandma soon! :)

GGma said...

Things do change. You don't realize it so much until you look back. I do love the microwave. Thawing frozen hamburger was a problem when you were ready to fix dinner. I remember Gwen Remund stuck hers in the oven then forgot she had it in there and turned on the automatic oven cleaning system and left to run errands when she came home her home was full of black smoke she had to have some serious work done to get it back to normal.
I loved your comments especially the thoughts of the new little grandbaby. When she finds out the sex we can get her crocheting a blanket.