Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas...

I love the first snowfall of the year, unless it falls on Halloween. This year we have been blessed with an indian summer, which has been wonderful, but once Halloween was over, I was ready for the white stuff to fall, and fall it did! I love to cozy up on the couch with a blanket and a good book and a cup of hot chocolate nearby and watch the snow fall out the window. But the best part of the snow, is that now I don't feel so silly listening to christmas music when it's 70 degrees and still green outside.
Hi, my name's Linda, and I'm a Christmas musicolic. I've been addicted for about 10 years now, ever since Amy Grant came out with her Breath of Heaven CD. Sometimes I sneak in a listen as early as July as I'm getting a jump start on my christmas crafts or quilts. Sometimes when I'm grouchy or in a bad mood, like when I'm paying bills, my children turn on christmas music to give me a fix, they know I don't stay in a bad mood when Amy singing 'It's the most wonderful time of the year'. It works everytime too. I love christmas music. It always puts a smile on my face. I know I'm not the only addict out there, why else would cozy 106.5 and FM100 start playing it nonstop the day after Halloween. So if your an addict too, I would love to hear from you, I need all the support I can get. My family and co-workers think I'm crazy and don't support my habit. I think they're embarrassed by my addiction, and my actions of dancing around the kitchen to jingle-bell rock certainly doesn't help my case. I have tried to break free from my addiction, I've even gone so far to store my christmas music along with the decorations, but unfortunately it just made the situation worse knowing I couldn't get to it, I craved it more and gave in soon after the kids started back to school. So I don't fight it anymore, I embrace it. I love Christmas music, and I don't care who knows!

1 comment:

Faund Images said...

Just one more thing that helps me understand our connection... I, too, am in love with Christmas music. Anytime, anywhere... just love it!