Sunday, November 30, 2008

My Tale of the Three Trees...

not to be confused with the story that always makes me cry about the three trees that were cut down and used for the savior. My story isn't that deep, and doesn't have too much meaning to it, but I did feel like crying by the end of the third tree. My story goes something like this:

Up by 5 and wide awake,
decided to shop for the childrens sake.
I hustled and bustled and stood in long lines
with car loaded down I was back home by nine.
A little tired I laid down in bed,
but visions of sugarplums kept filling my head.
So jumped to my feet, to my team gave a whistle
and we found all the boxes, trees and toe-mistle.

In the living room went tree number 1,
from Chelsea's wedding, it sure was fun.
Thanks to friend Mindy a new wreath on the wall
a new look for this room made decorating a ball.

In the kitchen went tree number 2,
a cute little thing that looks good in there too. it brightens my corner, adds just the right touch,
it's not very big so it isn't too much.

At last in the basement came tree number 3,
it has the most stuff on as you can well see.
By now I'm just dragging and thinking, "what the heck!
With all this crap no wonder I'm a wreck!"

I spend all year just making more stuff
to hang on my walls, and it's never enough.
Why put myself through this year after year
and drive myself crazy till I'm almost in tears?

What do decorations have to do with the reason
why we celebrate Christ's birth this holiday season?
The answer to that, though I'm not sure you'll agree
has something to do with the gifts he's given me.

With all he's blessed me with, I feel it a pleasure
to make my home a place my children will treasure.
And with these gifts I try to give back to Him,
a place where love resides and his spirit will never dim.


Susan said...

Linda, your talents just spill out everywhere! I loved the poem and I know you are creating memories for your children they will treasure forever, well until they go to decorate their house and realize it will never be as cute and fun as mom's was! Your house and trees are beautiful!

Charayne said...

You are so darling! What a fun poem and I think that we all feel that way sometimes! Hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season!