Sunday, November 2, 2008

Surprise Faces!

So I had to wonder how a camera disk that can store 500 pictures doesn't have enough space for little ol' me to take just a few, until I started looking at her camera to see just what she's filling it up with. Oh, there's a few good pictures of california and yellowstone that we should probably develop, but the majority of her pictures are what she calls, "Surprise Faces". It's a game they play when they make all sorts of funny faces, not knowing when when the camera will take their picture. Unbelievable! I don't think there's a single picture of her and her friends just smiling! When I was her age I would have been mortified if someone had a picture of me looking so ridiculously uncomposed, not so anymore. The crazier the better! Mouths gaping open, tongues drooling out, eyes crossed, noses scrunched, well, you get the picture. I should get a few of them developed to use for blackmail purposes later in life when she's come to her senses. I can hear her children now as they're looking through her scrapbook, 'Grandma, what was wrong with my mom when she was girl, didn't she know how to smile?' And I'll just tell them it was temporary insanity, and let's hope it skips a generation!


Faund Images said...

I know exactly what you're talking about, Linda! My girls have camera cards with exactly what you've described as being on your girls! And I've watched Nicole print out 10 or so of those goofy face pictures at a time and plaster them all over her closet! Now Lauren is at it! It's just a weird phenomenon... Have you ever seen the photos on their phones? Same thing!!!

Charayne said...

I should show you some of the pictures at our house. (Mostly Creighton, but....we are all a little crazy!)