Tuesday, November 25, 2008

kids say the darndest things...

If you have a child between 8-10 years old, you'll know what i'm talking about. Trey loves to talk. and talk. and talk. I try to absorb it all, and pay attention, and really listen, but sometimes it's all I can do to get in the "oh yeah" and "uh-huh" and "really?" in just the right places, while my mind is wandering to 'what am I going to make for dinner tonight', and 'what kind of pie should I make for Thanksgiving', while of course folding a load of laundry and watching Dr. Oz on Oprah talk about PMS and ways to avoid it. I admit I don't listen as well as I should sometimes, and I should, cuz he usually makes me laugh when I really stop and listen. He's a funny kid. The other day we were going to Kohl's, just for one thing, really, just a rug to put in my entry way. But, if you've ever been shopping at Kohl's with me, you know it's never going to be just one thing. I started looking at the clearance racks, I didn't need anything, I just can't help myself, and Trey said "Mom, do I need to get you those things they put on the horses so you only see what's in front of you and you can't look around!" Yes Trey, I think a pair of blinders would come in handy, not only for Kohl's, but for looking at you when you talk to me so I don't get distracted with the mundane things that control a mother's life. In a few more years when your a teenager, will you want to follow me around the house and tell me about your day, will you keep talking even when the bathroom door is shut, will you still give me hugs and kisses and climb into my lap and sing the Barney song "I love you, you love me". Can I give you a pair of blinders too, so when other boys are trying to act cool and tough, and swearing up a storm, you won't see that, so you'll always stay sweet and kind and loving, and you'll always be my Trey-babe. Yes Trey, I do need a pair of blinders. And now we know what to give each other for Christmas!


Susan said...

Thanks Linda, you made me start my day out crying. How sweet and true that is!

Melanie and Daniel said...

Ok Linda, way to go and make me cry. This post makes me miss my mom so much. I would go and sit on my mom's lap up until I got married! I probably would still sit on her lap if she was still here even though I am way to big! I also remember following her around the house and talking non stop.